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Version: SDK V3


The SDK provides the following API methods for a smart account.



The create() method is used to create an instance of the Biconomy Smart Account V2. This method requires a smart account configuration object to be passed and returns the smart account API instance.

This method creates the account on the chain specified in the config object. To configure smart account on another chain one needs to instantiate another smart account API instance with configuration of that chain.


let provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("rpcUrl");
let signer = new ethers.Wallet("private key", provider);

const smartAccount = await BiconomySmartAccountV2.create({
signer: signer,
chainId: 80002, // Specify the desired chain (e.g., Polygon Amoy)
bundlerUrl: "", // <-- Read about this at
biconomyPaymasterApiKey: "", // <-- Read about at


required params are explicitly mentioned

  • config (object, required): A BiconomySmartAccountV2Config object containing configuration options for creating the smart account.
    • signer(Signer, required) OR defaultValidationModule (BaseValidationModule, required): One either needs to pass the signer instance or the default validation module which gets used to detect address of the smart account. If not passed explictly, ECDSA module gets used as default.
    • chainId (ChainId enum, required): The identifier for the blockchain network. (e.g., 80002).
    • bundlerUrl (string, required) OR bundler (IBundler, required) : bundler url which will be internally used to create bundler instance or the bundler instance. Bundler instance can also be used if one wants to customise the bundler. Refer to bundler integration for more details on bundler.
    • biconomyPaymasterApiKey(string) OR paymaster (IPaymaster): one can either pass paymaster API key or custom paymaster instance to use the paymaster.
    • entryPointAddress (string): DEFAULT_ENTRY_POINT_ADDRESS will be used if not passed, otherwise the passed address will be used. On specific chains like Chiliz Mainnet it is a different address, so will need to be passed explicitly. Refer to below notes on this.
    • activeValidationModule (BaseValidationModule): The run-time validation module (must be one of enabled validation modules) to sign and validate next userOp.
    • rpcUrl (string): RPC URL of the chain
    • index (number): index to create multiple smart accounts for an EOA


  • smartAccount (BiconomySmartAccountV2): An instance of the Biconomy Smart Account V2.

Building on Chiliz Mainnet or the Spicy Testnet? Note that the entry point address on this is different as it was deployed by us on the Biconomy team. The address of the entry point is : 0x00000061FEfce24A79343c27127435286BB7A4E1

Smart Account Get Methods

getAccountAddress( )

This method retrieves the counterfactual address of the smartAccount instance.


const address = await smartAccount.getAccountAddress();


  • address (Promise<string>): A Promise resolving to the account address associated with the smartAccount instance.

getNonce( )

This method is used to retrieve the nonce associated with the smartAccount instance.


const nonce = await smartAccount.getNonce();

const nonceKey = 10;
const nonce = await biconomySmartAccount.getNonce(nonceKey);


  • nonceKey(number): one can also pass the optional parameter nonceKey in the case of two-dimensional nonces.


  • address (Promise<BigNumber>): A Promise resolving to current nonce of the smart account.


This is used to retrieve the index of the current active smart account.


const index = smartAccount.index;


  • index (number): A number indicating the index of current active smart account.

UserOp Methods

buildUserOp( )

This method is used for configuring and setting up properties of the partial userOp object. It converts an individual transaction or batch of transactions into a partial user operation populating fields such as initCode, sender, nonce, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit and preVerificationGas (as this step also involves estimating gas for the userOp internally and simulating both validation and execution of the user op)


For example, in the context of creating a userOp for an addComment transaction, an instance of the contract is created, then a basic transaction object is created that holds the necessary address and data from the transaction. Finally, a partial userOp is created using the Smart Account's buildUserOp method⁠. Now this can be signed and sent to the bundler.

const contractAddress = "contract address";
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("rpc url");

const blogContract = new ethers.Contract(
abi, // contract abi

const createComment = await blogContract.populateTransaction.addComment(

const tx1 = {
to: contractAddress,

const userOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([tx1]);

buildUserOp() also simulates the validation and the execution of the user operation, this method can be used to check if a user operation will be successfull or not


  • transactions (Transaction[], required): The required argument is an array of transactions which will be executed in provided order. You can pass multiple transactions into a userOp if you would like to batch them together into one transaction.

  • buildUseropDto (BuildUserOpOptions): One can also pass these options to customize how a userOp is built.

    type BuildUserOpOptions = {
    overrides?: Overrides;
    skipBundlerGasEstimation?: boolean;
    params?: ModuleInfo;
    nonceOptions?: NonceOptions;
    forceEncodeForBatch?: boolean;
    paymasterServiceData?: SponsorUserOperationDto;

    Let's look at each of these params:

    1. overrides (Overrides): one can override any of the values of the userOp when it is being constructed.

      type BigNumberish = BigNumber | Bytes | bigint | string | number;

      type Overrides = {
      callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
      verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
      preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
      maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
      maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
      paymasterData?: string;
      signature?: string;
    2. skipBundlerGasEstimation (boolean): This parameter allows one to manage gas estimations more efficiently depending on the transactions. By default, it's set to true, which means if a paymaster is present, gas estimations are done on the paymaster side to facilitate gasless transactions.


    Click to view the skipBundlerGasEstimation usage 3. Gasless Paymaster Flow (All Methods Gasless on Dashboard): If you are utilizing a gasless transaction with all methods set as gasless on the dashboard, you should pass the skipBundlerGasEstimation as true. This is typically the default behavior, emphasizing that the gas estimations are handled by the paymaster. Here's how you can configure it:

    let partialUserOp = await biconomySmartAccount.buildUserOp([transaction], {
    paymasterServiceData: {
    mode: PaymasterMode.SPONSORED,
    // No need to explicitly set skipBundlerGasEstimation: true, as it's true by default for paymaster flow
    1. Mixed or Non-Gasless Transactions: In scenarios where you have mixed transactions (some are gasless and some are not) or all transactions are not gasless, it's more efficient to estimate gas using the bundler first. After building the user operation, you should then call getPaymasterAndData to finalize the gas parameters. Set skipBundlerGasEstimation as false to ensure the bundler handles the initial gas estimations: // When not all methods are gasless or you want to use bundler estimations
    let userOp = await biconomySmartAccount.buildUserOp([transaction], {
    skipBundlerGasEstimation: false, // Explicitly set to false to use bundler for initial gas estimations
    // ...After building user operation, proceed to get Paymaster and Data as needed

    By configuring skipBundlerGasEstimation appropriately, you ensure that your transactions are processed efficiently and in accordance with the intended gas handling approach, whether through a gasless paymaster flow or via bundler estimations.

    1. params (ModuleInfo): One can use this param to pass session validation module parameters. Refer to the tutorial to learn more about the session keys.

      type ModuleInfo = {
      sessionID?: string;
      sessionSigner?: Signer;
      sessionValidationModule?: string;
      additionalSessionData?: string;
      batchSessionParams?: SessionParams[];
    2. nonceOptions(NonceOptions) : this can be used to execute multiple user operations in parallel for the same smart account.

      type NonceOptions = {
      nonceKey?: number;
      nonceOverride?: number;
      // nonceOptions usage
      let i = 1;
      const userOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([tx1], {
      nonceOptions: { nonceKey: i++ },

      nonceKey can be initialised at any arbitrary number which is not 0 and incremented as one builds user operations to be sent in parallel. The nonceKey will create a batch or space in which the nonce can safely increment without colliding with other transactions. The nonceOverride will directly override the nonce and should only be used if you know the order in which you are sending the userOps.

    3. forceEncodeForBatch (boolean): When transactions array is passed, by default Biconomy sdk encodes it for executeBatch() executor function and execute() function for single transaction. However, in some cases, there may be a preference to encode a single transaction for a batch, especially if the custom module only decodes for executeBatch. In such cases, set this flag to true; otherwise, it remains false by default.

    4. paymasterServiceData (SponsorUserOperationDto): The paymasterServiceData includes details about the kind of sponsorship and payment token in case mode is ERC20. It contains information about the paymaster service, which is used to calculate the paymasterAndData field in the user operation. Note that this is only applicable if you're using Biconomy paymaster.

      type SponsorUserOperationDto = {
      mode: PaymasterMode;
      calculateGasLimits?: boolean; //this flag defaults to true, signifying the paymaster will undertake gas limit calculations to ensure efficient operation execution
      expiryDuration?: number;
      webhookData?: {
      [key: string]: any;
      smartAccountInfo?: SmartAccountData;
      feeTokenAddress?: string;

      It also contains optional fields such as webhookData and smartAccountInfo.


  • partialUserOp (Promise<Partial<UserOperation>>): A Promise resolving to partialUserOp which can be further signed and sent to the bundler.

senduserOp( )

This method is used to submit a User Operation object to the User Operation pool of the client. It signs the UserOperation using activeValidationModule instance and submits it to the bundler for on-chain processing.


const userOpResponse = await smartAccount.sendUserOp(userOp);

type UserOpResponse = {
userOpHash: string;
wait(_confirmations?: number): Promise<UserOpReceipt>;
waitForTxHash(): Promise<UserOpStatus>;

const { receipt } = await userOpResponse.wait(1);

type UserOpReceipt = {
userOpHash: string;
entryPoint: string;
sender: string;
nonce: number;
paymaster: string;
actualGasCost: BigNumber;
actualGasUsed: BigNumber;
success: boolean;
reason: string;
logs: Array<ethers.providers.Log>;
receipt: ethers.providers.TransactionReceipt;


  • userOp (Partial<UserOperation>, required): The userOp object includes essential fields like sender, nonce, callData, callGasLimit and gas related properties.

  • params (SendUserOpParams): This gets used when the active validation module is complex and requires additional information for signature generation. The SendUserOpParams object can contain fields such as sessionID, sessionSigner, sessionValidationModule, additionalSessionData, batchSessionParams, and simulationType. These parameters are used to customize the behavior of the sendUserOp method and are optional.

    const userOpResponse = await moduleSmartAccount?.sendUserOp(userOp, {
    sessionSigner: sessionSigner,
    sessionValidationModule: moduleAddr,

    Similar to building a userOp we need to ensure that any modules used for additional validation or execution logic are specified in the sendUserOp method. Currently, this only applies for session key module requirements.


Please note that simulationType allows for more debugging insights about callData on why an internal transaction fails. It is set to "validation" by default, but can be changed to "validation_and_execution" for more detailed tracing.


  • userOpsResponse (UserOpResponse): The method returns an object of type UserOpResponse which has a userOpHash and two methods: wait() and waitForTxHash(). The wait() method resolves when the user operation is dispatched by the bundler on-chain and gets mined. The waitForTxHash() method returns a UserOpStatus object which includes the transaction hash and the receipt once added on-chain.

sendSignedUserOp( )

This method is designed to dispatch signed user operations to the bundler. This method is particularly useful when handling operations that have been grouped together with a multi-chain module, as it allows for the submission of these combined operations in a single request. It can also be useful in the case of two different instances of smart account, for example one backend instance to build userOp, while another instance to obtain the signed userOp on the frontend and subsequently dispatch the signed userOp using the backend instance.


const userOpResponse = await smartAccount.sendSignedUserOp(userOp);

Please ensure that the user operations have been correctly signed before using this method⁠


  • userOp (UserOperation, required): The userOp object includes essential fields like sender, nonce, callData, gas related properties, and signature.

  • params (SendUserOpParams): The SendUserOpParams object can contain fields such as sessionID, sessionSigner, sessionValidationModule, additionalSessionData, batchSessionParams, and simulationType. These parameters are used to customize the behavior of the sendUserOp method and are optional.


  • userOpsResponse (UserOpResponse): The method returns an object of type UserOpResponse which has a userOpHash and two methods: wait() and waitForTxHash(). The wait() method resolves when the user operation is dispatched by the bundler on-chain and gets mined. The waitForTxHash() method returns a UserOpStatus object which includes the transaction hash and the receipt once added on-chain.